If you want a concise answer to this question, this is for you… 
If you’re seeking out a coach, you are - very sensibly in my view - acknowledging that getting from A - the end of your relationship, to Z - the start of separated life once all the business of separation is attended to, is a task not to be underestimated. 
Let's imagine you arrive at work one day and are asked to juggle four balls while spinning a plate on your head after staying up all night the night before. This is what the prospect of managing a separation might feel like-frankly wildly unobtainable! 
By the time you get to A, you’ve already had a period of building towards the decision to separate and your emotional reserves and natural resilience are likely to be low. You now have to process B - Y while you are coming to terms with the separation, supporting your children and their needs, perhaps trying to continue working…and on top of all these factors attend to lots of time-consuming admin required to sort out the practical elements of your separation. 
Coaches can hold a safe space in which to support YOU through the business of separation. Putting your own safety mask on first is crucial and lots of elements of coaching can come together to support you to create a more positive and managed experience of separation. They include: 
Helping you map out all the areas that will require your consideration as you move through a separation, as well as who or what resources you can access to help you. There is a lot to consider, but if organised and mapped out well, it need not be overwhelming. 
Helping you identify what time commitment is likely to be required, and to create dedicated time for related tasks, so that what is required doesn’t become overwhelming and all consuming. Supporting you through those various stages of B - X as you move through them. 
Helping you consider and reflect on where you are emotionally and where you would like to get to, providing support to you and considering with you any additional support that might assist. 
Helping you to identify what children need and what you can do to best support them. 
Providing you with professional support and understanding while you navigate this difficult transition, keeping in mind your goals and helping you to stay focussed on how to reach Z intact emotionally, cost-effectively and with a clear vision for what your new normal is going to be like. 
If you would like to discuss coaching in more detail, please book in for a free discovery call with me. 
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